A root canal is nothing to fear! Let our experienced dentists provide the gentle, stress-free care you need to enjoy a healthy smile.
Never let worry over a root canal keep you from seeking the care you need! For gentle root canals near you, call your trusted Richmond dentists at Southern Charm Dental. We provide root canal treatment with a compassionate, patient-focused approach to make your time with us as comfortable as possible. Our team is focused on excellent dental care for the entire family!
(832) 242-9937At Southern Charm Dental, we offer trusted endodontic care to patients in the Richmond area. We take pride in the fact that we can care for all aspects of your smile under one roof. In doing so, we offer dedicated dental treatments that protect and restore your smile when you need it most. Endodontics involves the specialized treatment of your tooth pulp, or the most central part of your tooth. When these sensitive nerves become damaged or invaded by bacteria, the results can be quite painful and disruptive.
Our team can save your tooth and eliminate your discomfort through our skilled expertise in root canal therapy. We offer new patient specials and dental care discounts to help make the most of your budget and provide you excellent service at affordable prices.
A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures, with over 14 million performed each year. It is designed to restore a tooth that is infected or severely decayed due to bacteria within the tooth pulp. The pulp holds the central nerve chambers of your tooth. Since these nerves can create significant pain when damaged and they don’t provide functional benefit to your tooth, they can be cleaned and effectively removed during a root canal procedure in order to restore the health of your tooth.
At Southern Charm Dental, our excellence in endodontics means that your root canal procedure will be performed with skilled precision and valued patient comfort. Our state-of-the-art technology allow us to deliver a more efficient and virtually pain-free root canal. A root canal can save your natural tooth and help you avoid the need for more costly dental implants or bridges.
Our experienced dentists are experts at performing root canal therapy on patients. Your treatment will be done in the most comfortable and relaxing environment possible. When your root canal treatment is through, your teeth will be healthier, heartier, and more resistant to bacteria than ever before.
Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic, or sedation if you prefer, that will prevent you from experiencing any discomfort as your roots are cleansed of infection and bacteria, then sealed up to protect the tooth.
Contact Southern Charm Dental today to schedule an appointment. Your teeth and gums will be healthier, and the pain will be a thing of the past when your treatment is complete.
Yes, Southern Charm Dental accepts most major dental insurance plans as well as CHIP and Medicaid. We will do everything we can to help you maximize your benefits. Are you uninsured? We also offer simple and affordable financing options and dental savings plans for those who qualify. Call or visit our office today to speak to a friendly member of our front office staff. We’re always here to answer your questions.
Yes, Southern Charm Dental welcomes walk-in patients as scheduling permits. We always want to make sure you receive care when it’s most convenient for you. If you’ve experienced a dental injury, we also offer emergency appointments when available. For same-day dental care, call or visit your trusted local Richmond dentists today!